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Back to Basics… A Simple Guide To Understand WEEE

Posted by Andy Clark on 23rd April 2018

If we were to say that in England alone there is 180 million tonnes of waste produced every year – would that surprise you? We have a government who is actively promoting a zero waste economy with the goal to reduce, reuse and recycle however we can.

Landfill is a last resort.

If you are a business you will know that the UK law requires you to recycle and recover a large amount of your manufactured goods. These laws have incorporated EC legal requirements and those including electrical waste pertaining to retailer and distributors of such products.

These requirements state that both must comply with the waste electrical and electronic equipment (“the WEEE regs”).

So what is WEEE? Good question.

WEEE is electrical or electronic equipment that has come to the end of its ‘user life’ and covers a range of equipment. In simple terms if an item uses electricity, usually connected via a plug or battery, they are included in this category and classed as WEEE.

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