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Householders Could Be Fined For Using Illegal Waste Operators

Posted by Andy Clark on 16th January 2018

It was announced yesterday by the Environmental Minister that new powers could come into play to tackle waste crime. Legislative changes may potentially be granted to the EA to tackle the “serious problem” of waste crime.

This comes alongside the launch of a consultation by Defra on further action to crack-down on illegal sites which will include possible new powers for local authorities to fine householders for using illegal operators. As a short term solution, and subject to approval, the Environment Agency (EA) will be able to lock the gates or block access to problem waste sites to prevent waste illegally building up. Changes will also enable the EA to force operators to clear all the waste at a problem waste site, not just the illegal waste.

Pending approval this is to be introduced by spring 2018. This follows a public consultation in which 90% of respondents, said Defra, were in favour of allowing regulators to take physical steps to prevent operators from accepting more illegally dumped waste.

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