Natural progression of GAP Waste (the one stop shop)
Adding a national haulage element to our services became the natural progression of GAP Waste. As one of the UK’s most competent and efficient collectors of electrical waste streams from Civic Amenity sites, we were often challenged on the locations we were delivering waste to in order to complete our recycling service. The one area we seemed to be let down on was bulk haulage. To rectify this, we simply grew our collection and haulage fleet and we now operate over 40 modern vehicles.

Providing efficient services to our client
We invest to ensure your waste is treated correctly and in the most environmentally friendly way possible.
In 2016, GAP installed a fully automated WEEE Small Domestic Appliance processing plant. Also, a complementary free-standing copper granulation plant, expanded our in-house CRT recycling facility together with our commercial reuse facility making us one of the most comprehensive processing players in the WEEE marketplace.
In 2019 we commissioned Europe’s newest and most efficient Fridge Processing Plant capable of recycling 700,000 fridges per year.
Developed From Past Experiences
We were not looking to reinvent the wheel, however, we did want to improve it.
As a result, prior to becoming a major waste processor, we conducted extensive due diligence and visited a majority of the WEEE processing plants both here in the UK and within Europe. This process was invaluable, and we learned a lot from the experience (poor processing, tipping delays, correct paperwork, transparent auditing etc).
GAP Waste was developed from these experiences and we believe we have extracted the positives and combined with our experience within the UK WEEE industry have removed the shortcomings that were once our own frustration.
Contract with GAP today and experience the difference!