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display recyling

Display Recycling

Waste Processing Services of Computer Displays and Televisions

Recycling TVs and Computer Screens

GAP Waste have collected thousands of tonnes of TVs and Computer Monitors over the years. 

We provide both reuse and recycling for more modern flat panel displays (FPD) which are capable of reconditioning, conversely, we can provide a fully auditable solution for damaged sets and the older Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT).


display recycling
recycling a display

Flexible collection, bulking & processing service

We can provide a collection, bulking and processing service and supply all relevant paperwork to ensure you remain compliant with authorities.

GAP Haulage lorry crossing the Tyne Bridge

Contact the haulage and waste recycling experts

Our friendly and approachable teams are always on hand if you have any questions or queries.

What's happening?

The latest news and case studies