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UK Struggles to Meet EU WEEE Target

Posted by Andy Clark on 22nd January 2018

They EU Waste target is set to rise in 2019. However there is a downward trend showing on the volume collected which suggests that the UK may struggle to meet this demand.

The overall target for WEEE collection will jump from the equivalent of around 45% of the weight of new products placed onto the market over the last three years, to a potential 65% aim come next year.This comes as part of the new revised WEEE Directive, which came into force in August 2012 and became active seven months later. A collection target of 45% of new electronic equipment sold was introduced by the new directive which applied from 2016 and, as a second step from 2019, a target of 65% of equipment sold, or 85% of WEEE generated. The rising targets come at a time when data suggests there has been a drop in the amount of WEEE collected from traditional routes such as collections from local authority CA sites.

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